2. Sightseeing in the most beautiful places in the world

A holiday is only really memorable when you have discovered the most beautiful things in the place or country. It's the same with keywords. What is a first-class page if it is not seen by anyone due to a lack of keyword optimisation? Your summerSEO journey continues with keyword selection and content strategy.

Keyword research: what does your target audience ask for?

This is exactly the question you should continuously ask yourself when selecting keywords and creating content. After all, your website should satisfy a need of its visitors, provide a solution to certain questions or generally be found for relevant search queries - for example with a suitable product or service. In the context of keyword selection and optimisation, sighteeing is therefore to focus on what will bring you a lot of traffic with strong rankings - after all, it is not without reason that the sights of a city attract the most visitors.

Our checklist for your summer SEO keyword selection:

  • Which keywords match your offer?
  • Are you already considering long-tail keywords?
  • Which keywords are searched in connection with your offer?
  • Which keywords express a demand or interest that your website satisfies with its content?
  • Are the keywords you are currently optimising for even in demand/searched for?

Use many available sources to determine keywords!

There are many different ways to find out suitable keywords. SEO tools are one of them, but talking to customers, business partners, your own team or customer service can also help. It is not at all uncommon for webmasters to develop a kind of "tunnel vision" and select keywords in the way they think is right - even though the users are actually looking for something completely different. Extensive expertise in the respective subject area or industry can therefore even be a hindrance, because users sometimes do not have this expertise and therefore search for completely different terms or phrases on Google and Co.

But don't forget the following step: Check the search volume of the keyword! And the next step after that: ask yourself how competitive the respective keyword is. Experience shows that keywords with a very high search volume also have a very high competition density. That is logical, because there is a lot to gain in terms of traffic. Sometimes, however, it can make sense to focus on niche keywords with lower volume instead, where it is easier to get strong rankings. A mix of both options is of course equally possible. You will inevitably have to do some trial and error, testing and observing.

Our tip is to focus on your niche keywords.

Our tip: You can check the search volume with a tool like "Searchvolume.io".

Planning your summer SEO content according to keywords

You might know it: There is this one particular sight that you absolutely want to experience "live" - so you plan a holiday "around it". You can keep this in mind for your summer SEO, because it's not much different for keywords. First you choose the keywords, then you create content for them - and thus increase the relevance of the website to those keywords.

You can keep this in mind for your summer SEO.

If you need some help in choosing suitable topics, you can take a look at the tool "Answer the Public". It's also a good idea to take a look at your competitors who are ranking well. Once you've made your selection, your summer SEO journey will lead you to Info-Mindmaps and Pillar Pages.

Pillar Pages and Info-Mindmaps create a structured foundation

Pillar Pages revolve around a specific topic and capture additional relevant further information, which is then called a "cluster" - simultaneously connecting to the main page via internal links, which makes navigation easier and strengthens the page's link framework. You should make sure that the user finds his destination with as few clicks as possible.

An info-mindmap can help you with this on your SummerSEO. Here, important discussion points are recorded in the middle and connected with lines. This makes your website more structured, organised and gives it a natural flow - both technically and in terms of content.


Any more questions?

How does a WDF*IDF analysis help me here?
This allows you to determine a kind of "keyword pool", i.e. to find out which search terms match the topic. You don't have to use all of them, but you can also use the findings from the WDF*IDF analysis to optimise the content.
How can I group content?
You can group similar search queries in a meaningful way, for example, if you have a keyword with the addition "cheap" and simultaneously enter search terms with "inexpensive" or "cheap". But also make sure that such words fit your corporate identity. If you sell luxury products, for example, you should avoid using words like "cheap".
What should I pay attention to in keyword planning?
Today, Google's algorithm is no longer so focused on precise search terms, but rather takes into account the intention of the searcher - in other words, it is becoming smarter. You should keep this in mind when planning your content and keyword: But this does not mean that you should do without relevant keywords in your texts.